суббота, 26 ноября 2011 г.

Magnificent Macro #1

Magnificent Macro #1, originally uploaded by v.plessky.

Via Flickr:
Sedum, Stonecrop * Очиток * Fetthennen, Mauerpfeffer * Sédum * Vetkruid * Rozchodnik

View on black * View on black - LARGE

Camera: Konica Minolta DYNAX 7D DSLR
Lens: Sigma 50mm F2.8 EX DG Macro 1:1 + 20mm Extension Tube
Lighting: Natural (no flash fired)

Family: Crassulaceae
Genus: Sedum

Семейство: Толстянковые
Род: Очиток

>>> View my Pink set in Darckr
>>> View my Macro and Close-Up set in Darckr

I used word "magnificent" here as a derivative from "magnification" (увеличение, усиление)
Extension tube which I used (it is mounted between lens and camera on DSLR cameras) is in fact kind of natural magnifying glass, or magnifier.
But, in contrast to teleconverter - it doesn't have lens inside, so you can still enjoy original aperture of your lens (F2.8 in my case)
DOF is very shallow with extension tube, and you need much more accuracy while doing focus.
And of course focusing is manual only - camera autofocus gives up on such kind of macro shots!

And here is result of that work.
As you probably know, I love sedum growing in my garden.
It's incredibly beautiful flower- but you need to be patient to see its beauty!
And extension tubes with macro lens help here a lot.

Mind small white dots on the end of petals - some flowers look like a king's (queen's?) crown, and those white dots remind diamonds or pearls! LOL:

Shot details:
Exposure: 1/50 sec.
Aperture: F7.1
Focal Length: 50 mm *
ISO Speed: 200
Flash: Flash did not fire
Exposure Program: Aperture priority

* Used in conjunction with 20mm extension tube

View in Lightbox * Посмотреть в лайтбоксе

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